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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
10/11/20 Pursuit of Godliness Charles Sinyard Sermon N/A Sunday AM 201011_0567_The_Pursuit_of_Loneliness_10-11-20_AM.mp3
09/27/20 A Responsible and Honest Steward Charles Sinyard Sermon N/A Sunday AM 200927_0565_A_Responsible_and_Honest_Steward_9-27-20_AM.mp3
08/30/20 To Faithfully Follow Jesus Charles Sinyard Sermon N/A Sunday AM 200830_0562_To_Faithfully_Follow_Jesus_8-30-20_AM.mp3
08/23/20 Holy Spirit Cont. Charles Sinyard Sermon N/A Sunday AM 200823_0561_Holy_Spirit_Cont._8-23-20_AM.mp3
08/09/20 Holy Spirit Charles Sinyard Sermon N/A Sunday AM 200809_0559_8-9-20_AM_Holy_Spirit.mp3
08/02/20 Christ Charles Sinyard Sermon N/A Sunday AM 200802_0558_8-2-20_am.mp3
07/26/20 The Church Cont. Charles Sinyard Sermon N/A Sunday AM 200726_0557_The_Church_Cont._7-26-20_AM.mp3
07/19/20 Descriptions of the Church Charles Sinyard Sermon N/A Sunday AM 200719_0556_Descriptions_of_the_Church_7-19-20_AM.mp3
07/05/20 The Church Cont. Charles Sinyard Sermon N/A Sunday AM 200705_0553_The_Church_Cont._7-5-20_AM.mp3
06/28/20 NT Point to the Establishment of the Church Charles Sinyard Sermon N/A Sunday AM 200628_0551_The_Church_NT_Points_to_the_Establishment_of_the_Church_6-28-20_AM.mp3
06/28/20 Avenues of Faith Charles Sinyard Sermon N/A Sunday PM 200628_0552_Avenues_of_Faiith_6-28-20_PM.mp3
06/21/20 Earthly Fathers Charles Sinyard Sermon N/A Sunday AM 200621_0550_Earthly_Fathers_6-21-20_PM.mp3
06/14/20 Blessings in Following God's Law Charles Sinyard Sermon N/A Sunday AM 200614_0548_Blessings_in_Following_Gods_Law_6-14-20_PM.mp3
06/07/20 Jesus Christ Charles Sinyard Sermon N/A Sunday AM 200607_0546_Col._1-2_Jesus_Christ_6-7-20_AM.mp3
05/31/20 A Day in the Life of a Christian Charles Sinyard Sermon N/A Sunday AM 200531_0544_A_Day_in_the_Life_of_a_Christian_5-31-20_AM.mp3
05/31/20 A Day in the Life of a Christan Cont. Charles Sinyard Sermon N/A Sunday PM 200531_0545_A_Day_in_the_Life_of_a_Christian_Cont._5-31-20_PM.mp3
05/24/20 Don't Forget to Remember Charles Sinyard Sermon N/A Sunday AM 200524_0542_Dont_Forget_to_Remember_5-24-20_AM.mp3
05/24/20 Memorials Charles Sinyard Sermon N/A Sunday PM 200524_0543_Memorials_5-24-20_PM.mp3
05/17/20 Life Charles Sinyard Sermon N/A Sunday AM 200517_0540_Life_5-17-20_AM.mp3
05/17/20 Giving Thanks to God Charles Sinyard Sermon N/A Sunday PM 200517_0541_Giving_Thanks_to_God_5-17-20_PM.mp3
03/08/20 Descriptions of the Church Charles Sinyard Sermon N/A Sunday AM 200308_0537_Descriptions_of_the_Church_3-8-20_AM.mp3
03/08/20 The Church Charles Sinyard Sermon N/A Sunday AM 200308_0538_The_Church_Cont.mp3
03/01/20 Promises of the Church Fullfilled Charles Sinyard Sermon N/A Sunday AM 200301_0536_OT_and_NT_Promises_of_the_Church_Fullfilled_3-1-20_AM.mp3
02/23/20 The Church Charles Sinyard Sermon N/A Sunday AM 200223_0534_The_Church_2-23-20_AM.mp3
02/23/20 The Church Cont. Charles Sinyard Sermon N/A Sunday PM 200223_0535_The_Church_Cont._2-23-20_PM.mp3

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