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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
01/10/16 Love Charles Sinyard Sermon N/A Sunday AM 160110_0067_Charles_Sinyard.mp3
01/09/16 Adding to or Taking Away: Do not deviate from the pattern Bill Hall Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting 131126_0055_Bill_Hall_Meeting.MP3
12/27/15 Being Better Christians in 2016 Charles Sinyard Sermon N/A Sunday PM 151227_0061_Charles_Sinyard.mp3
12/08/13 Examining our Lives Charles Sinyard Sermon N/A Sunday AM 131208_0060_Charles_Sinyard.MP3
12/01/13 Responsibilities to God Charles Sinyard Sermon N/A Sunday PM 131201_0059_Charles_sinyard.MP3
11/28/13 Church Discipline, a Hope to Restore One Bill Hall Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting 131128_0057_Bill_Hall_Meeting.MP3
11/27/13 Maintaining a Well Diciplined Church Bill Hall Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting 131127_0056_Bill_Hall_Meeting.MP3
11/24/13 Elders Bill Hall Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting 131124_0053_Bill_Hall_Meeting.MP3
11/24/13 Whose Word Will Stand? Bill Hall Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting 131124_0054_Bill_Hall.mp3
11/17/13 Colossians 1 and 2 Charles Sinyard Sermon N/A Sunday AM 131117_0050_Charles_Sinyard.MP3
11/17/13 Colossians 3 and 4 Charles Sinyard Sermon N/A Sunday PM 131117_0051_Charles_Sinyard.MP3
11/10/13 Establishment/Growth/Organization of The Church Charles Sinyard Sermon N/A Sunday PM 131110_Charles_Sinyard.MP3
11/10/13 Things That God has Joined Together Charles Sinyard Sermon N/A Sunday AM 131110_0048_Charles_Sinyard.MP3
11/03/13 Wisdom Charles Sinyard Sermon N/A Sunday AM 131103_0046_Charles_Sinyard.MP3
11/03/13 Elders and the Work of The Church Charles Sinyard Sermon N/A Sunday PM 131103_0047_Charles_Sinyard.MP3
05/19/13 Seeing Ourselves Clearly Charles Sinyard Sermon N/A Sunday AM 130519_0036_Charles_Sinyard_edit.mp3
03/01/13 Persecution, Will It Happen to Us? Bill Hall Gospel Meeting N/A Gospel Meeting 131129_0058_bill_hall.mp3
01/20/08 Overview of the Book of Revelation Bill Hall Sermon N/A Sunday PM 2008-01-20pm_Overlook_of_the_Book_of_Revelation.mp3

Displaying 651 - 668 of 668

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